Thursday, October 9, 2014

30 Day Lolita Challenge: Day 6 – 10 Things You Can’t Live Without in Lolita [10-09-14]

Hiyo Bunnies! Hope you're all doing well! So sorry this post is late. I have been working 6 days non-stop! So I am a little tired but I hope you will enjoy it.

Day 6:
10 Things You Can’t Live Without in Lolita

1. Accessories
I love wearing accessories of all kinds! Especially if they're bunny-related~

2. Bunny/Alice in Wonderland Themes
Again, anything with bunnies and I lose all sorts of control!
(Click on the photo to view the original post!)

3. Wigs

I don't have the best hair as it's wavy so it's not curly or straight. And humidity just makes me miserable. So what better way to have great-looking hair than wearing wigs?! I actually own this one.
(Click on the photo to see more information on the actual product!)

4. Cute bags

Lolita, especially Sweet, has some of the most adorable bags ever! Just like this one! Check out the review I did here!

5. Cute tights/stockings

What's a coordinate without adorable legwear? These are especially cute for the Sailor Moon fan like me!
(Click on the photo to see more information on the actual product!)

6. Fashion Magazines

Where would we be without these magazines? They give great ideas, show what is trending and sometimes will have patterns to make our own pieces!

7. Handmade/Indie Shops

I love and appreciate handmade work and the pieces that Indie shops produce. While it's great to support your favorite brand, don't forget about small shops and local businesses. You never know what you'll find!
(Click on the image to see more information on the actual product!)

8. Conventions/Meetups/Friends

Because without the people you meet and care about and their support, where would you be? Conventions and meetups are fun for people you already know as well as friends you will make! 
(Please excuse the blurry photo!)

9. Cute foods

Of course you need cute foods to go with your cute day!
(Click on the image to see the original post!)

10. Ability to dress however you want

There may be a ton of rules that one should follow in Lolita but if you follow every single rule (other than what's actually necessary for the fashion) and become afraid to try new things, how will you have fun? I love wearing coords that mix different elements. And a lot of the time they come out just fine. Do what you want and have fun!

What are 10 things you can't live without in Lolita?


  1. Very nice tips. xoxo
    Check my post if you like I hope that it's your style:


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