Monday, June 23, 2014

30 Day Video Game Challenge! Day 1 - Very First Video Game [06-23-14]

Hello, Bunnies!

I've decided to start another challenge for my blog! Before I was into Lolita, I was a gamer...

Day 1 - Very First Video Game

Well, technically, I still am. Every now and then, I'll pick up a game to play and hopefully enjoy it. But I have to say, that newer games don't really keep my interest anymore. I have to be almost obsessed with a game for me to continue playing it. Some games like Final Fantasy have lost their touch with me and I'll put it down after playing it for a bit. That's when I'll turn back to older games and replay them. Or for some, even start over because I'd have gotten stuck somewhere like I do often...


My first video game is technically three different ones. My mom and other family members actually owned the original Atari system before getting an NES. And it was the Nintendo Entertainment System that got me hooked. We had the Super Mario Bros. and Duck Hunt combo cartridge and the original Legend of Zelda.

I can honestly say that it was these three that not only got me into gaming, but specifically into the RPG series. While Duck Hunt was a shooter, it was slow and easy enough for me to want to keep playing. But shooters that came after that weren't as fun to me. That one game of just shooting ducks with the NES light gun is the only shooter I will ever allow in my personal collection.

The adventures of Mario and Link trying to save their princesses while trying to fight off monsters and solve puzzles was just so much fun and kept me playing. They had stories just like in the fairy tale books I used to read. But it was a lot more fun being the hero and seeing it all animated. From there, I went on to read a lot more and get into more things like Sci-Fi and play almost all kinds of RPG games.

Those three games I played as a kid have a lot to do with who I am today. And I will always go back to them and their sequels. Because they are everything I ever want in a game.

What is your first game? Let me know in the comments!

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