Hey Bunnies. Today is going to be more of a thoughtful post. It's ok if you don't want to read my rambling but it was an interesting day...to say the least.
Time. It moves without us doing anything. It continues even after we're gone. And it's important. Today, I was rushing all over the place - to appointments, to meet deadlines and to just be on top of things.
I had to make sure to pick up my bridesmaid dress by my appointment time at 12:30. It took a while to get there but I was able to do it quickly so I could quickly rush back home.
My little Snow, my white bunny, has been sneezing and I had a vet appointment so I could get her checked out and get both her and Boo's nails trimmed. We just made it. And thankfully, she's ok and just has allergies.
I also got to check out, in the middle of all the traveling, the latest chapter of Fairy Tail. I am a huge Hiro Mashima fan and I do my best to stay on top of his works. It was an interesting chapter in which we learn the importance of time. No matter how long or how short, every second counts. I won't say much else on the chapter because if you're reading Fairy Tail, I wouldn't want to spoil it for you.
I also got to watch a little bit of the Pixar film UP. I never saw the movie and I still haven't watched the whole thing. But the beginning was just beautiful. I didn't know that one of the main characters, Carl, had such a beautiful past. I didn't even know this was included in the movie! From the trailers, I just thought it was the old man, the cub scout and the dog. But the entire beginning of the movie was just pure emotion.
Even without the use of words, you could definitely see how much these two loved each other. And while the course of this part of the story might have taken over 50 years, it all feels like just a minute. When you have others in your life that you treasure and love dearly, make sure to let them know that your time with them means a lot to you. That they are appreciated.
Carl's and Ellie's story reminded me a lot of my grandparents. They were young once. They had their own adventures in life and love. And they eventually found each other, to have a whole set of different adventures together. And they enjoyed each other's company. Even until my grandmother passed on. To this day, my grandfather still thinks of her and says that he loves her.
I hope you all who are reading have your own adventures like Carl and Ellie. I know I plan to. And I'm going to treasure every minute.
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